Do you think Clouddragon is funny?

11 01 2009

I have been thinking.

About the bastard who lied to me. He didn’t do it alone, he had help from his accomplice, but there was an important clue.
It took this evil, nauseating, lying, insensitive, uncaring, heartless, selfish, porcine offspring of unmarried parents about three weeks to ”discover” that I was funny.


So I have to think: How pathetic exactely does one have to be to take like, three weeks to come to the conclusion: ”Hey, I think you are quite funny and sarcastic sometimes
Now I of course don’t know how funny I am, but I was slightly dissappointed it took my, as I then thought dreamrabbit, several weeks to detect anything funny or amusing about me…
So I wondered; do you, friendly readers, consider me ”funny”?
And if so, did it take you long to find out?

Please take the poll and let me have an idea. And I want all the blurkers to poll too! I know you are there! I know you visit! We have a very handy stats-page on our dashboard! It only takes two clicks!
Do it!



45 responses

11 01 2009

That was me (the first vote), not a blurker. My own highly limited poll–who are you angrier at, him or the accomplice? The I’ll tell you my theory (just as I know you are funny, you know I can always come up with a theory!) 🙂

11 01 2009

I think you have a good sense of humour.

11 01 2009

***Definitely you are funny!***

I discovered that before I even visited your blog. I’d see your comments on other blogs. Your “pseudo-dreamrabbit” was dense or maybe he just didn’t have the sense to recognize wit and humor. Definitely his loss!

Just out of curiosity … how many languages do you speak?

11 01 2009

Some of you havent polled ! Grrr!

Chiara, I may talk about it more in future times.

Haleem, thank you, you do too, so I believe your opinion :mrgreen:

Susanne430: Five, including Dutch, but English and German are defenitely the best. Why?

11 01 2009

Thank you for your comment. I meant only a single word answer, but I certainly didn’t mean to be intrusive, and I respect that you defer to the future. Meanwhile keep that porcine photo handy! 🙂

Just want to keep the cliffhangers coming!

11 01 2009

Go fuck a horse.

Fascinating! So who would it be who visits my blog and has no sense of humour….
btw, ”A”, you have the honour of being the first true troll to be featured on the ”Loony-bin”page.

11 01 2009

It definitely did not take me long at all.
How could anyone with a horsey like that not be funny?

🙂 It’s more: how could anyone survive the Tarq without a very, very, great sense of funny! 😉

11 01 2009
Broke Saudi

You’re funny.

Thank you, and welcome to my blog. (I think you might have been blurking! Thank you for ”coming out”) 😉

11 01 2009


You are hillarious! I often, truly, snort at your blog and comments! If I’m eating or drinking I usually try to put it down before reading what you have to say because from past experience I’ve almost choked!!! You are also extremely sarcastic and quick with it! I love that!!! ; ) Alot of times, especially on Carols blog, I think what my comment will be to her and you already said it!

Yeah, I’d be greatly dissappointed if people can read my blog without spilling stuff !!!
We are birds of a feather then! Glad to be the first with the funny remarks then

11 01 2009
Saudi in US

I voted yes, but only so you do not get disappointed and try proving otherwise by writing more articles like the “The Black Hand”.

J/K, that was my favorite. And I think you are “Intelligent Funny”, which is very rare 🙂

I hope you know, it is former dreamrabbit’s big loss.

I can’t always be as funny as in ”the Black Hand”! I need inspiration. But I have no doubt the muttawa will be offering it again!
Thank you

11 01 2009

Has that idiot, and/or his accomplice, had the decency to apologize? Probably not. Liars generally are not guided by any sense of decency.

Marahm! Of course not! Probably only feeling miffed that I found out, and thinking it quite unreasonable that I took his 8 months of proffessing undying love to me serious!

11 01 2009

Aafke, you and I discovered each other more than a year ago (does that sound lesbo? I hope not!) and it was related to humour – Cousin It. I think we clicked because we both appreciate wit and humour.

Sense of humour and wit are both related to intelligence. It is a scientific truth. Recognition of humour is also linked to intelligence – you don’t want me to be more direct! Ever heard to porcine wit? Now you know why not.

I can read bland writing for a while but if it lacks humour then it definitely lacks intelligence. I am never bored of your writing.

So the ‘accomplice’ didn’t recognise your wit either? What a serious duo!

I also equate wit with intelligence, and neither of them is as intelligent as they think and are so happy to tell others about.
I always have maintained that having intelligent wit is more reliable in assessing somebodies intelligence as an IQ-test.

If no dreamrabbit comes along I will have to turn lesbo, because I’d have such excellent choice in all my girl-friends 😉

11 01 2009

So up to now, everybody has voted ”yes”, with one exception, who voted ”no”
(Snort! guess who!)
But as I have had more than 10 times as many hits there should be more people polling!

11 01 2009

Your talent and humor is what keeps me returning to =)

11 01 2009

I think you’re more than just funny. You’re witty and you’re quick with it =) My two favorite posts are, without a doubt, The Black Hand and On Adam and Eve and Apples. I think it takes talent to convey humor in posts. And you certainly have that in abundance!!

Whoever fails to see that is missing out big time. =)

11 01 2009

Yeah, i agree with S & S. You’re funny and witty and quick with it.

You have a kind of humor that can’t be interpreted by a person who is too full of himself and only understand jokes which involve the word ‘poo’ so forget it! You’re ace and we, your loyal readers, are there to prove it! 😀

11 01 2009

You are not only funny, you are wildly hilarious!

11 01 2009

You’re funny, and you’re very intelligent. I’ve learnt quite a lot from you.

11 01 2009

Not funny? You?!? How did such humorless people weasel their way into your life?? Sheesh!

11 01 2009

You all say you think I’m funny, but I think ya’all are to scared to say anything else 😉
I am very happy to have you all visiting! ❤

11 01 2009

I think you already know how I feel, but I’ll comment anyway – both Captain Kabob and I think you are hilarious. We are you’re number one fans! Have you ever considered doing your own cartoon column? We think you would be a smashing success!!!

11 01 2009
American Bedu

Aw Aafke, that dreamrabbit (which I only use that term since that’s how you referred to the wuss) couldn’t care about anything but himself….thank gawd he’s history! He sounded like an epitome of an Ugly Arab…

And yes, you are a hoot and always manage to put a smile on my face as well as having me laughing at my computer! I’d love to see you at an Improv Comedy!!

11 01 2009

Okay. I can see where you may be a bit dubious of our enthusiasm. So, here’s my History of How I Found Clouddragon. I’m here because of your sense of humor — the horses are a bonus.

A few months ago, I happened to be reading Susie’s Big Adventure. I had just watched that Anthony Bourdain show where he’d been to Saudi, so I was Googling his tour guide Dania to read more about her film company. I stumbled on Susie’s blog – which I’ve been a bit remiss about revisiting — when she mentioned several other bloggers and that you wrote some funny posts. And that you had horses. (Okay. Horses really were important in those early moments. And still are.)

So, I clicked over here and landed on, if memory serves, your funny post about wearing the veil. (I think that was the one.) That’s when I also found your posts on your horses, did a happy dance and then put your link on the blogroll of my horsey blog.

11 01 2009

Susie, I am happy to number you and Captain Kabob as my friends. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoy my jokes 🙂
Oooh, i have a new evil danish cartoon which I have to publis. but I have problems with my scanner!

Bedu: You can call him BP :mrgreen: Yes, painful but glad I found him out. Just wish it happened a lot earlier.
He is. Arab horses: Nice! Arab men: Burn them! (with a short list of exceptions)

Bringing sweetness and light has always been my aim, I am always glad if I succeed.

11 01 2009

Finally, a demonstration of how to get into the Loony Bin. I do hope it is a longstay unit!

11 01 2009

Rhonda, I was being (or trying to be) ironic!!!
But it’s great to read how you got here! I liked that Bourdain program! I always thought it was a horsey-link which got you here! 😀

Chiara: Yes, this is the way, although… I must admit, this was a very lame attempt.
But then I am desperate to fill the loony bin, so I haven’t set my standards very high.

11 01 2009

Not very eloquent or original I admit, but still the founding member of the Loony Bin “club”. One can only hope for more articulate companions for this brave first soul. 🙂

11 01 2009

Aafke, I was just curious about the languages. Five? Wow!

I ask questions in order to learn more about others. Thanks for humoring me in my recent ones about you. Hope you don’t mind.

12 01 2009

Aafke! You’re witty and whoever doesn’t notice that has no wits!

12 01 2009

We find out just how much of a sense of humor we have during extreme emotional revelations…if we werent laughing we’d be crying…and I prefer to laugh rather than cry any day of the week…and laughing with you Aafke has become a “must do” on my daily “to do” lists.

Finding humor in our tragedies is our way of coping and moving on rather than fuming and pulling our hair in frustration over the one that “got away”…which is no doubt what your “man” (and I use the term loosely) and his accomplice have been doing…just be happy and satisfied that you discovered the deception before anything further took place…its hard to undo whats been done in the Arab world…such as marriage etc…consider it a “dodged bullet” and take the experience gained and move with caution in the future…and teach others what you have learned…and maybe this pain will have some benefit…sigh!

12 01 2009

Chiara, trolls are rare and far between on my blog… no matter how wicked the post 😦

Susanne 430, that’s ok!

Tee, thank you. And I think ”A” has proven your point. :mrgreen:

coolred38, you are right, it’s either laugh or die!
I’m honoured you consider my blog one of your ”laughs of the day”
And I’m very happy I ”dodged the bullet”!!!!!
And in the end I can tell a good story about dishonesty, deceit and betrayal!

12 01 2009
American Bedu

Here you go Aafke…since you have demonstrated over and over that you have this natural wit, I challenge you to write a post directed for the loonies, maybe calling it the looney bin and let’s see how quickly your looney bin fills up!


12 01 2009

It’s going to be titled: ”The trolls”

But i don’t have trolls! 😦 Or only one so far, and he/she is distinctly boring and uninspired!
Your occasional Umm-infestations are much more fun!

12 01 2009

I agree with American Bedu. Perhaps you have been insufficiently troll worthy on your own blog. Also cross cultural theoretician that I am, I must speculate that you being a non-Muslim is a handicap in this particular instance.

12 01 2009

Yes, perhaps I should revert.
But can you imagine what a hopeless muslim I’d make? I will first have to train myself in getting up early enough for Farj. Which is no problem right now… But it will be in summer!! Prayer times are ridiculous in summer: Farj at 3.30 and Isha at something like 23.30. I’ll get really sick.

But I’m sure it will attract more people taking ummbradge at my wicked ways…..

13 01 2009

You can throw me into the Loony Bin if you want to but actually I was thinking Clouddragon is not funny.

Aafke is 🙂

13 01 2009

Achelois, why are you all so obsessed with ”the loony bin”? You want to be featured there don’t you? :mrgreen:

13 01 2009

Yea! I’m game. But wait, can I feature without telling you to engage in animalism? I mean, I didn’t ask you to f*** a horse… but then you didn’t call me a “porcine offspring of unmarried parents” 😉

13 01 2009

But then you aren’t the ”porcine offspring of unmarried parents” so if I called you so you’d be understandibly miffed.
While ”X” truly is the ”porcine offspring of unmarried parents”, in his case it’s just a simple statement of fact! So he has no reason to complain!
You’ll just have to try harder! :mrgreen:

14 01 2009

So, have you fucked that horse yet? Clearly you will have more luck in that than in doing a human…

14 01 2009

Loofoh wo Doofh, ya ibn al haram :mrgreen:
Or is that bint al haram?

15 01 2009
Cuz N

My 2 cents, it is the ibn. The bint’s English is much worse!

By the way, why don’t you tell ‘A’ that you don’t fuck horses? He can go fuck himself.

16 01 2009

I don’t know whether the blog is funny, but this post is lol!

16 01 2009

Hi jimmy, welcome to my blog 🙂
This post is only mildly funny, 😉 I have much more amusing posts 😀

Cuz N, also welcome to my blog, Thank you for commenting. Exactely my first thought also 😉

22 01 2009

I had to do the “funny? Huh?” just to be a smart ass

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